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      HOLIDOGS is Gayle Agee's first published work.  The first edition in soft back was released in 2016.  The new and improved second release is available now.  To honor all animals, a portion of HOLIDOGS profits is donated to animal needs and rescue efforts to the Heritage Humane Society in Williamsburg, Virginia. 

     Originally HOLIDOGS was to be specified by breed, but an idea was born of a "universal dog.”  The artist, Millie Dowd, previously created the Origami dog for a series of note cards.  When the Origami dog was considered for the Holidogs project,  it was the perfect match.  Millie, a retired art teacher, lives on Pawley’s Island in South Carolina.  Her artwork and creative touch was the missing link that finally completed Holidogs.

Discover Holidogs

     Enjoy a brief video by the author, Gayle Agee, describing the creation of Holidogs The Book and what inspired the Holiday adventures with her beloved Canine characters. 

                         another holiday
                another holidogs adventure
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